Thursday, November 5, 2009
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While it here in our relatively in Hesse are few lakes, so are the activities of the water still a popular pastime for many of us. Finally, the same rules apply in the outdoor pools.
course, one is fishing, swimming, rowing, windsurfing and picnicking on the beach not to the dangers that may emanate from a thunderstorm. However, one should already be aware that, on surfboards, rowboats, paddle boats, pedal-boats and no lightning protection is possible. Therefore, with such small pleasure boats already on the approach of a thunderstorm soon as the banks start and seek shelter in a car or house.
is also in our swimming pools: Swimming or wading through the water is extremely dangerous storm. Since a lightning strike within 10:00 to 20:00 yards from the impact site at least paralyze the body itself is in shallow water, the danger of drowning! In swimming pools they should therefore leave immediately at the first signs of storm water. When fishing rod and remove it immediately seek a protection agency.
If you on the water, away from the shore, the storm surprised, it might be cheaper to put in the boat and flip the boom of surf and wide to sit on the wide, so that the risk of direct lightning strike reduced.
More tips: increase
sun and umbrellas, and other "outstanding" items, the risk of direct lightning strike. Let us rather be wet and put all these things flat on the floor.
Basically, lakes and rivers are generally more dangerous than the open sea, as sea water, because of its salt content, a much lower electrical resistance than fresh water, and thus derives the lightning better than a human body.
On the coast the danger comes from lightning back somewhat, as a thunderstorm usually hangs over the country because the strong hot air currents that are necessary for its formation decrease quickly over the relatively cold water surface. On the other hand, therefore wind gusts and turbulence on the shore and beach are especially harsh.
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Decades of observation and research have shown that a flash no specific mountains, valleys, hills or lakes preferred. Just the distribution of electric charge determines the clouds in the direction he takes. However, does the surface structure of nature or of buildings where the impact site, the flash of course have a certain role, as he for the last hundred and ten meters Earth actually takes more high points than low. For this reason, care must be taken during the installation of lightning protection systems on buildings always ensure that all are included on the roof projecting structures such as vent pipes and chimneys and television antennas and satellite in the protection system. This is done via fishing tips or fishing rods that extend beyond the protected component significantly.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
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Lightning is in the air a distance of ionized gas. This gas has excellent electrical properties, ie, it passes very well. The ambient air, however, derives almost no electricity. If now builds the fire, the distance on the borders of neutral gas, namely air, unstable, and there is the familiar and distinctive branches. The flash is divided into several "fingers". Depending on the strength of the electric field leads to many or a few fingers. But the branch that ultimately connects the cloud to ground, is used to balance the charge after the flash back completely degrades.
Learn about everything you need to know about lightning protection to your building, a renovated half-venture in Ried-lightning!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
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A properly and professionally installed lightning protection system at your home can damage by direct Prevent lightning strikes as far as possible. But in order to function properly throughout the lifetime guarantee and ensure lightning protection systems must be periodically maintained and tested!
Compare the facts with your car. If you have a car, you also do not have to TÜV. However, you have a car, you are legally obligated to have it regularly check on his safety out. When lightning although there are no statutory provisions, but if you have one, you must let it wait, or are at risk in case of damage (third party damage) severe consequences. If you
structural changes have have carried out, such as through cultivation, a roof restoration or installation of a photovoltaic system, they must already be integrated into an existing lightning protection. On this occasion, the system can easily sift and if necessary, repaired it.
The materials of an external lightning protection are subject to relatively strong external influences. Play electrolytic processes and the resulting corrosion of the grounding components a major role.
The grounding of course be subjected to a measurement test, the resistance is measured. Fully
Rusty Earth electrodes can not perform their function more at risk and The purpose of the entire lightning protection and must be replaced immediately by new ones.
As with the lightning protection lightning protection method determines the class intervals to be where one test has. To advise is to be carried out every 3 years, a "maintenance service". A lightning protection specialist sees the facility to accurately and performs measurements on the compounds and the earth electrodes. Of course, the work documented and it creates a new test report.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
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The electronics of modern Telecommunications or computer networks already responded to relatively small spans with devastating consequences. A conventional external lightning protection lightning protection under the general provisions are not sufficient in such cases. This experience must keep reminding entrepreneurs or artisans, as the example of a Hessian engineering company shows.
The following incident is reported, which specializes in lightning protection and surge protection Hünstetten company Ried Lightning Protection : The Frankfurt-based engineering company had indeed a conventional external building lightning protection installed, but not a specifically matched to the electronics Overvoltage protection, a so-called internal lightning protection. 6 weeks then passed through the natural phenomenon: the lightning struck.
stood next to the administration building a few large trees and a hit like lightning. A running in the near underground cables got off a strong surge, which was passed in the administration building, where it caused damage of more than a hardware
Euro 150,000 to the computer system and the telephone system. Modern computer-based phone system was on their minds, and the company was more than a week cut off from the outside world. Of course the procurement and installation of replacement, even if it is carried out under high pressure, some Time. The loss of sales of the company is specified conservatively estimated at around 300,000 euros. A major reason for this high failure: The company and the staff were simply not available, and by the failure of the computer with customer data and correspondence were the orders in production are managed properly.
bad enough, but a misfortune seldom comes alone - the insurance turned across and did not want to pay.
The insurance that should pay the damage hardware - consequential damages are not covered if a power surge, the computer paralyze - noted that "only" a external lightning protection was present, and this has also been regularly maintained. Referring to the lack of surge protection, they refused to pay out of hand. Only after tough negotiations - the company was a long-standing and good customer - a payment was gleistet. However, under the condition to take immediate measures to protect the electronics against power surges.
Other insurance companies react more sensitively to lightning and power surge damage. They point out that there are relatively inexpensive equipment and measures to protect the hardware. The man responsible for the affected insurance has put it, back up first, then sure.
This may be one, as you will, in principle he was right.
By increasing frequency, also proved by the latest statistics (see , a service of Siemens AG), increases the risk of every household and every company to do damage by overvoltage an entrepreneurial failure.
Apply best high today at a specialist company such as lightning protection Ried to obtain advice and to take appropriate measures to protect your company and your existence !
Monday, September 28, 2009
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walls, roof trusses go Flame on, all the facades are blown away: The damage from a lightning strike can be devastating. Much more frequently than the building but the electronics are drawn in the house affected.
flows in a flash power with a voltage of tens of millions of volts, and in the flash train, it is up to 30,000 degrees Celsius - that's five times the temperature on the solar surface. In 2007 alone, insurance companies have settled in Germany, according to the Confederation of the German insurance industry lightning surge damage of around 300 million €. Nevertheless, the human being this "celestial power" to not completely defenseless.
Protect from outside
against a "hit" lightning rod help. They reflect the fact that the electrical energy between clouds and ground searches the shortest route. Therefore, the fishing facilities at the highest points of the building, mounted the classic single-family house that is on First or chimney. They are made of metal, which conducts better than the fabric of the building. The lightning rod and the Ableiteranlage can not rust and need to be solid enough to safely dissipate the electrical energy without melting it.
flows through the arrester from the energy in the earth and from there into the ground. It is often used to the foundation ground, to which the cable system of the entire house is already connected. If the ground resistance is too high because of special soil conditions, it may be necessary to install additional grounding of metal.
shock from the line
The flash can also take the detour via the power grid and power outlet. Power poles and transmission lines are indeed protected from impacts, but this is not one hundred percent certainty. As more and more, always more complicated and more expensive electronics in the home occurs, protection against shock from the line becomes more important. The simplest method: pull the plug. Also, the antenna connector on the TV and the phone should unplugged during lightning storms be. Less sensitive equipment such as a coffee maker need not necessarily take the grid. Who wants to spend money for lightning protection, trading takes place in different technical solutions. Relatively cheap, but only limited life, are switched off power strips with surge protection. You should pay attention to the quality of the bar that is certified as the VDE certification. Similar interposer connector is available for telephone and wall outlets. Strong tensions may be felt among these components.
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a higher level of security offered by installed surge protection in the entire house, from the a professional firm must be installed. If the electronics are also against the frequent power surges is immune to follow the power-performance devices in the home, such as the circular saw in the hobby room.
The cost for such a move permanent installation for a house 500-2000 €. The difference is explained by the wide range from a basic protection to a reconstruction, which includes shielding all metal parts and wires and additional protective equipment in individual rooms. The third and most difficult warring source of damage is the electromagnetic pulse (EMP), the electromagnetic field that builds up around the lightning channel around. It is directed to several hundred meters Distance damage to electronics, he needs without a conductive connection. The normal surge protection can only limit damage to EMP, but it helps little to impact in the immediate vicinity of the house. Although there are methods of protection against this form of prejudice, but it would mean for ordinary houses an oversized effort.
Specific requests to a comprehensive lightning protection system and a secure over-voltage protection, the best way to a lightning protection company with a long tradition and constantly trained and motivated employees. Take today for contact with the company Ried Lightning Protection Ltd! There
Thursday, September 24, 2009
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more information about lightning protection measures you this review of the ZDF WISO magazine. This WISO-TIP (presented by phoenix contact) you can view by clicking on the PLAY icon.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
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you are protected against damage from lightning through your fire and fire insurance? Good. Nevertheless - or perhaps because of - but you should check whether your building insurance policy insures not only structural damage caused by fire from lightning, but also so-called surge damage to cables and equipment! For in the household insurance, only two thirds of the insurance companies are also liable for damaging surges. Companies that adhere to require the policyholder but often by a separate clause lightning precautions and measures. So better take the policies at hand and read it again carefully!
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belong to the electrical installation SCHUKO doses. Here, you can right the installation on sockets with surge protection share. Risk of damaging surges are also burglar and fire alarm systems what, in the case of a case to be particularly unpleasant when You are currently of the impact on holiday and your house and yard are protected believe! Last year the VdS certified loss prevention surge of information technology networks, according to the guidelines VdS 3428th The units were tested with regard to their technical capacity, security in the availability and whether they are compatible with other devices for surge protection. The VdS certificate stands for high quality, technical safety and reliability in the discharge of surges.
Subsequent protection for electrical equipment for
was some time ago simply to pull the plug storm of TV and Co. from the socket. For some devices this does not work, however. Particularly in those that belong to the long-distance runners, such as cooling and freezing equipment and the heating system! There is no statutory requirement for a lightning protection is not - home owners or building owners should consider when deciding the cost of installation and to the value of the protected equipment.
For an effective surge protection is available in addition to table-Plug socket strips and plug adapter or a combination of adapter plugs. Depending on whether one wants to operate a power outlet, one or more devices, it makes sense for the distribution or adapter solution to decide. With convenient Ausschaltknöpfen - so you can also save the power for the standby mode - many of the solutions are equipped. Up to five devices can, for example with the Brennenstuhl Super Solid 5-speed 2.5 m can be protected against damaging surges. The right helper for example, for the living room. However, phone, fax, DSL routers, and so on must be protected. When equipment for telecommunications will find the corresponding surge doses. This usually can also use the data lines for telephone, modem, router, or the like can be secured.
Many families today have electronic equipment worth 10,000 to 15,000 euros at home. One has to wonder if you can not protect hedges with a base value of 500 to 600 euros against lightning damage. This consists of a lightning protection device in the distribution box. The lightning protection device protects against conducted interference, ie, the surges that occur when the lightning strikes within a radius of two kilometers.
For companies and self-employed, a lightning strike are quickly jeopardize their existence: whether carpenter or accountant - everywhere today are PCs and servers. And the company's data are gone, then it is often really expensive.
Prevention is better
If you want to play it safe, can a lightning protection specialist companies such as reed- lightning or an electrician can perform an E-Check. This electrical installations and equipment are reviewed for their safety, issued a recommendation and made an offer.
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your house have an outside can provide lightning protection ? Excellent, but the is not enough! For even if it exists, it is possible that your going expensive and usually sensitive electrical equipment such as heating, freezer, computer, radio or phone broken. In such cases one speaks of surge damage. When internal lightning protection is therefore often talk of the surge protector.
over southern Germany are discharged at 15 to 35 days in the year storms. 2,662,409 flashes of lightning has counted Information Service by Siemens in 2007 over Germany. Every square kilometer in Germany is a year-to five hit by lightning. But not only the direct impacts have a destructive effect, and indirectly affects the enormous energy of lightning: Only about two miles away, lightning data and electrical lines, sensitive electronic equipment and appliances destroyed by huge surge. And not only that, depending on how close the lightning strike and, depending on the existing building conditions here, voltages occur that can damage a device, not just put up in the fire can result in!
However, not only during thunderstorms electronic devices are at risk. Also, fluctuations in supply voltage may be a cause for surge damage. To protect the building and the electrical equipment effectively, so an addition to the external lightning protection by bonding (ground) and surge protection equipment is necessary. Only the result is a complete lightning protection system. The grounding of passive elements such as water pipes via a direct link and more modern buildings already under construction. Contrast, active elements such as telecommunication links or power lines across arrester connected to the potential compensation.
Monday, September 21, 2009
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Tips for Successful flash photography!
At dusk or at night when it is perfectly possible to photograph lightning, lightning, and make fascinating images. This involves providing
- Set your camera to continuous exposure
- use a remote release and a tripod!
- use film material (W or color) of at least 18 DIN 50 ASA.
This equipment allows any length of time and not blurred images, so-at possible further screen - to be photographed several flashes in succession can.
for the filming of lightning using a tripod is also recommended. In contrast, the sensitivity of the film is almost irrelevant.
succeed particularly impressive shots with a wide angle lens. When taking photos or movies but you should also think about their own safety and choose a dry, safe location, such as within a building.
What you need to know to protect your home from lightning strikes, visit
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vehicles are taken repeatedly flash. Most often the inmates anything because the metal body of a sedan or the cab of metal a truck or tractor acts as a so-called Faraday cage. Michael Faraday, the famous English physicist and chemist (1791-1867), proved with his experiments that all electrical current - flowing over the outside of a metal cage and do not create electrical effects within the cage - and that includes the flash. In order to prevent the penetration of the flash, not fully enclosed metal shell is required. Even a relatively wide meshed metallic cage is sufficient as it is present in limousines.
convertibles are less safe, but they can protect with the roof closed if either the roof frame or roll bar is made of metal. However the car's occupants not guarantee complete safety driving, regardless of its effect as a Faraday cage. By lightning and thunder, the driver with glare or fright spontaneously lose control of his vehicle. In addition, extensive tests have shown the car manufacturers that there is risk of lightning strikes on the tires. Since tire rubber insulated, uses the flash as it passes by the steel jacket for tire tread - release large amounts of heat, making significant damage is possible - as a result of the high electrical resistance.
The antenna usually the highest point of the vehicle should be confiscated and the radio be turned off. The direct connection of antenna and radio has already broken several times to the "explosion" of radio, with the collision. Therefore, drivers who are in a strong storm is recommended strongly to drive a car park and exit the enclosed vehicle not until the storm is far enough away. As a fierce thunderstorm occurs frequently in combination with heavy rain, this is certainly a good idea.
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If you compare very good electrical insulators, such as dry wood or dry concrete, metal surfaces, it is clear that the more the lightning strikes in the metal surfaces. But the flash is as common as metals also less conductive materials such as wet wood or wet masonry. The same applies to the - compared with poorly conducting metals, compared with well-conducting timber - the body of humans and animals. For this reason, for people in a meadow, the same risk of being struck by lightning, like a metal pole for the same place. Recover metals as good conductors, however, the additional risk that the flash power over long Routes forward. So you should stay away from thunderstorms in the open air of pasture fences, metal railings, or in any case.
certainly know all the old saying: Book shall seek You, You shall avoid oaks. It is unfortunately a myth that book are safer than oak or willow. Certain tree species exert on lightning no special appeal. The same applies to specific geological conditions - such as mining and water veins or rock with natural radioactive radiation.
Science evaluates worldwide for decades, stats, which have shown that in addition to regions with different storm frequency does not narrow areas - so-called 'flash' Nests - There, in which lightning strike preferred. However
be made free-standing trees or tree groups, particularly with far superior branches, relatively frequently by lightning.
All details at the right lightning protection of your home can be found at Ried-lightning!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
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How come the verhehrenden damage from lightning strikes?
A lightning discharge involves several steps. A very high, short-term surge current flows during the main discharge of the struck object. in millionths of a second range of surge current rises to its maximum value of some 10 000 amperes and sounds then in less than thousandth of a second again from. Often it is also to multiple discharges (lightning part) of lightning discharges. They are created by the fact that after a break of a few ten-thousandths to a few thousandth seconds in the still highly conductive lightning channel of the main discharge, a new Leitblitz to earth moves. Which is then followed by partial discharge has a renewed surge current of the struck object result. Measurements have been registered up to 40 such consecutive flashes of what is sometimes visually by the flickering of the lightning makes noticeable. Sometimes one can observe that connects to a power surge or a so-called tail current with some 100 amps, which is about the current corresponds to the electric welding.
Finds the lightning current at its point of impact no electrically conductive path to ground particularly well, he can heat penetrated the materials he or adjacent items so strong that the ignition temperature is reached, thus creating a fire or even an explosion takes place. Especially light can ignite naturally, for example, Reed roofs, storage of hay, straw or paper, and explosive materials in solid, liquid or gaseous form.
flashes with great blow power to choose their path often wet components (chimneys, roofs, walls) or by columns in trees, where explosive water vapor is formed. This not only wood beams, tile or stone fireplace, but entire roof and wall parts are damaged or destroyed, without any internal fire. This is called a non-igniting the cold or lightning.
protects against these and other life-threatening effects of a lightning strike safely and reliably a lightning protection system! Find out more at Ried-lightning!
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If you have invested in high-quality audio and video components, you should still always also thought to protect your system against lightning and surges. Such damage can in the Thousands go and are usually not of the usual household or residential building insurance cover. This insurance usually only liable for direct lightning: fire, singeing and debris damage. Electronic devices but mostly by high voltage in the power line beschädigt.In such cases only a special low power electronics and insurance help. This is designed more for the commercial sector and therefore for households usually prohibitively expensive.
Here first some information on lightning and surge protection: An analysis is
down the Württembergische Versicherung AG in 1998 that about 30% of all damage to electronic equipment from Over-voltages or electrostatic current spikes caused. These are by far the most common causes of damage, according to a show of more than 7,700 claims in 1998 in Germany. It could be concluded that the electronic "pulse killer" far more often lead to defects and failures, as operator error and negligence.
overvoltages first hit the sensitive parts of the system. The tiny electronic circuits on circuit boards, motherboards, and in D / A converters from a CD or DVD players, amplifiers, the digital receiver, TV, subwoofer u.sw. can not cope with additional power and voltage spikes. The electronic components overheat and become inoperable. Not always, this means a total failure of the component. One consequence may be a more or less distinct sound or image disturbance. It is in such cases, the cause can not later prove beyond reasonable doubt and an electronic insurance does not access.
The best known cause of surges is the direct or indirect lightning strike. When lightning strikes can in a radius of up to 3 kilometers of dangerous overvoltages occur for electronic devices. More Surge sources include large appliances, lifts, welding machines, washing machines, etc. is uncertainty in many People about possible dangers and consequences of lightning strikes. When a lightning rod installed on the roof, many people consider the protection of their audio and video components to be unnecessary. But this is a misconception that can have costly consequences if damage has occurred due to excessive supply voltage.
to safeguard it from damaging surges and electrostatic current peaks can be achieved by using specially-equipped power strips, which are used between power supply (wall outlet) and device use. One should also include low-voltage connections such as typically the antenna connection in the protection program. These connections are with potential over-voltage vectors, which in the case of a case lead to large economic damage and even total loss.
Responsible for content: Detlev Schnick, © Copyright 2008 HIFI CONTROL
Friday, September 18, 2009
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lightning runs down or up? So it may seem
incredibly well, but runs the glowing bright flash - with a few exceptions such as church towers or tall buildings in the mountains - from the bottom up! Only a few fractions of a second front does have a pre-discharge, the Leitblitz from the clouds to earth place, but this is hardly noticeable to the eye. This Leitblitz grows toward a so-called fishing discharge up! One could therefore say that the "total flash" his way to Earth down and up again takes to the clouds, or that it begins in the clouds and there returns.
How fast is lightning?
Lightning moves approximately one-tenth to one-third of light speed of 300 000 kilometers per second, ie, with approximately 30,000 to 100,000 km / second. This speed would be sufficient, however, to use the flash in one second, about twice to hunt around the Earth! To the eye scarcely perceptible predischarge (Leitblitz) runs with "only" one-thousandth the speed of light, So with 300 miles per second.
How much voltage, current, and energy content of the flash?
Before the lightning discharge can come between thunderclouds and the ground voltages can climb to some 100 million volts. In the flash itself in a split second then flow streams, which amount, in rare cases up to some 100 000 amperes.
could still flashes - not solve our energy problems - despite all the effort and the most adventurous attempts: An average lightning discharge is more energy released than provide about ten liters of fuel oil.
With all the fascination and magnificence: human beings must us and our homes against the destructive power of lightning protection. www.ried Learn more about lightning and lightning protection systems at
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Since the beginning of time, the people with the fascinating and frightening phenomenon of lightning have busy and explained. The word probably comes from the Indo-flash bhlei means and light up. Among the ancient Greeks, Romans and Germans, he was assigned as a tool and weapon of the gods Zeus, Jupiter and Donar. It took until 1752, when the American statesman and inventor Benjamin Franklin proved that lightning is an electrical discharge. It was during a Storm a dragon float to a string, which was to absorb moisture electrically conductive. Now if a bolt of lightning struck the kite, so jumped at the lower end of the line spark. A very dangerous experiment, as we know today and really not recommended for imitation. The principle of the kite experiment, however, is still used today by scientists in studies on the lightning current and its effects, only one used today instead of dragons small rockets. In St. Privat d'Aille in France and the German Steingaden shoots are thin metal wires with these rockets in "mature" storm clouds. In this way, artificially triggered lightning, and by the metal thread the evaporation process of sent to a monitoring station on Earth. These are referred to the so-called Blitztriggerung.
A flash is nothing other than an electric discharge. In most cases, between two clouds or between more and more parts within a single cloud (cloud lightning). Only a small part of the lightning discharge between an electrically charged cloud and the earth as Erdblitz. All flashes but have their origin in thunderstorms, which can reach several kilometers in diameter. Such a cell is active and produce more than 30 minutes during this time, on average two to three flashes per minute.
The thunderstorm often extends to more than ten kilometers high while the visible cloud base is usually in one to two kilometers. In the center of a thunderstorm, there is a strong updraft of the separation into positive and negative charges that cause lightning is ultimately responsible. The positive charges are mainly of ice crystals in the upper part of the cell, the negative charges on the bottom of rain droplets. On the ground and collect in the bottom layer, in turn, positive charges, which come largely from spray discharges of plant tips.
More about current measures to lightning protection and lightning protection systems, please visit our homepage .
Thursday, August 27, 2009
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Dear Customer
your building already has an external lightning protection system
("lightning rod"), or you plan to protect their house with an exterior
lightning protection from the effects of a direct lightning strike to
. As scheduled on the roof of your building also a
photovoltaic system is or was erected, we ask to respect
the following:
be coupled this with a direct lightning strike any part of lightning current in electrical system components of the photovoltaic system, certain minimum distances (separation distances ") between the system components of the photovoltaic system and the plant parts of the external lightning protection (including those connected components such as Attikaabdeckbleche, gutters, skylights, etc.) to comply. Otherwise it can to parts of the photovoltaic system in damage. In planning our lightning protection systems, we will consider these distances. This will require on the part of the photovoltaic system adjustments if necessary. If the photovoltaic system can be installed separately, to the separation distances from the photovoltaic system builders complied with. In existing lightning protection measures to adapt the lightning protection system is to be made. Talk to us in time - if possible during the planning phase the photovoltaic system - on!
The protection of the photovoltaic system against the effects of a direct lightning strike in the modules is done by fishing tips, rd. 8-10 mm, which are installed in the vicinity of the modules. We can about the effectiveness of the photovoltaic system by any shadow of that fishing tips make any statements. This is part of the photovoltaic plant installer to check and clarify.
For further questions about the protection of your PV system, for example, against damage from surges, our electrician at your disposal!
Hünstetten 65 510 / 65201 Wiesbaden Tel
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mail: info (at) ried
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lightning and surge protection for PV - Power Systems
More and more private and public clients such as municipalities and other public bodies decide today to make their roofs for photovoltaic plants. The importance of renewable energy sources is taken into account herewith.
Regulatory requirements demand for construction works in this sector is often a lightning protection as a preventive measure of fire protection to the sensitive technical infrastructure protect the plant. Conversely, the protective function is not an already-installed lightning protection system by the installation of a PV system affected.
particular importance is the correct choice of the lightning protection system. If possible, the lightning protection while maintaining the required separation distances have no direct connection to the PV system.
Here we have-in part-the main elements concerning the application of relevant regulations and requirements.
For use Din are the following rules and regulations:
DIN EN 62305-3 VDE 0185-305-3
Supplement 5 Supplement 5)
Part 3: Physical damage to structures and people
Supplement 5: Lightning and surge protection for PV power systems
This supplement deals with the protection of PV power systems against harmful effects of lightning and surges of atmospheric origin. If a flash is required and / or surge protector, or will be located, describes the supplement requirements and measures to ensure the safety, performance and availability of PV power systems to obtain.
sufficient for normal requirements, a lightning protection system class III, only in special cases, such as increased availability the system can be a different lightning protection class according to EN 62305-s (VDE 0185-305-2) certified.
The lightning protection of technical measures for the PV system can be adapted and he lightning protection class of the building. LIGHTNING PROTECTION SYSTEM
The risk of lightning is not changed by the establishment of a PV system. It is recommended that the vote of the PV system with the lightning protection system. This can be kind of appropriate measures and direct lightning discharge into a grounding system to prevent galvanic currents coupled to the PV system to act. Additional measures are
internal lightning protection effects of lightning strikes and Potential differences on the building and prevented. This damage to the building (mechanical and fire damage) are, and damage to the PV power system (mains, control and electrical safety devices), prevented.
planning, installation and testing are carried out by lightning protection specialists. The requirements for a lightning protection specialist are defined in the standards DIN EN 62305 (VED 0185-305). a lightning protection specialist , who can because professional training, knowledge and experience and knowledge of relevant standards, plan, install lightning protection systems, and check.
The fishing equipment be established taking into account the separation distance. This distance is maintained to avoid dangerous radio binding to parts of the PV system. Between the PV modules and metal parts, such as lightning protection system, gutters, roof window or antenna installations are to comply with DIN determined separation distances.
must be noted also the possible shading of the PV modules by arresting gear.
surges as a result of direct atmospheric discharge may be limited by appropriate surge protection devices (SPD Type 1 according to DIN), power surges as a result of distant lightning protection devices require the Type 2 and type 3 according to DIN EN 61643-11 (VDE 0675-6-11).
Note: The above standard applies to surge protectors for AC power systems. For overvoltage protection in DC systems currently are no normative requirements. For the selection of surge protection devices for the DC side of PV systems suitable, currently, only the relevant manufacturer's data are considered.
Is the PV system within the scope of the capture device, a function of the metal grounding PV mounting rack is carried out. For this purpose, the module frames and frames are connected to the main earth bar. The conductor cross section should be at least 6 mm2 (copper) or an equivalent current carrying capacity. Similarly, all the module frame rails are interconnected with the cross-section.
Is the plant is not within the scope of catcher , so conductive fastening devices (eg, support profiles) to the main earth bar of the building to join. The cross section should be at least 16mm2 (copper) or 25mm2 (aluminum) amount. The fasteners are connected to each other as well. A conductive connection between the conductive parts of the modules is advantageous.
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definitions and descriptions of a lightning protection system
According to DIN VDE 0185-305 Part 1-4:
A lightning protection system consists of an outer and inner lightning protection system.
external lightning protection
Following DIN VDE 0185-305 -3
The external lightning protection system on the object of direct lightning strikes on the catcher to catch, to derive means of the discharging device in the direction of Earth and distribute the lightning current through the grounding system in the world without that there is damage to the building or structure or for the personal injuries.
Internal Lightning Protection
prevents According to DIN VDE 0185-305-4
The interior of lightning protection systems dangerous sparks up to the potential compensation or providing adequate separation distances, eg between the external lightning protection system and conductive parts inside of the building.
lightning - bonding
After German Association of lightning protection companies VdB: In lightning protection potential compensation means the part of the internal lightning protection, which provides in the event of lightning in the lightning protection system for secure distribution of lightning energy to the potential equalization system. Dangerous sparks is prevented. Bodies of the electrical energy and information technology are to be specially protected because of the earth system and the potential compensation is a direct link hiss of the outer Lightning protection system and installation of the building is. In the lightning protection potential compensation following components must be included:
• metal frame of the building
• Installation of metal
• Outer conductive parts
• All imported conductive line system (eg water and gas mains)
• Install electrical power and information technology.
functional earth
According to DIN VDE 0100-200 / 826-13-10: 2006
This refers to the grounding of a point or more points in a network, installation or of equipment for purposes other than electrical safety.
can lightning protection specialist
According to DIN VDE 0185-305-3 Supplement 3
lightning protection specialist, who are planning, through technical training, knowledge, experience and knowledge of the relevant lightning protection systems, built and tested. A lightning protection specialist must be informed of the applicable local building regulations and inform the relevant generally accepted rules of technology. The detection may be performed by regular participation in national training courses. The lightning protection specialist has many years of professional experience and timely professional services.
A lightning protection lightning protection specialist company such as reed in Hünstetten Wallrabenstein places utmost importance on continuing education and training of its employees. See for yourself www.ried and check our references to
Monday, August 24, 2009
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Sudden drop of chimney crashing on parked car
thunderstorm time is the time of damage, not only knows the insurance industry. The following case caught our attention. We know about the problem of many cases of our customers and would like to describe the facts briefly. Please pull your own conclusions!
A violent summer storm raging over a densely populated hillside with heavy traffic. An older building, built in 1968, dominates with about 20 m height of the surrounding buildings and has no lightning!
The lightning finds its way to the chimney of the house and propose there. Falling components and debris hit a vehicle that was parked outside the house properly, damaging it considerably.
The vehicle owner must turn his full insurance, which takes over the repair and expert fees, of course, minus the deductible. Under the scheme, the car owner demoted and the premium is increased.
you guessed it: The holder of the affected vehicle sued the owner of the damaged house Cars for reimbursement of damages. Reason: Since a lightning rod was missing, was dealing with an inadequate construction of the damaged building. Furthermore, he alleges to have violated applicable building code and on top of the chimney is not affected sufficiently evaluated and maintained to have.
The applicant submits an impairment of the damaged car that, the loss of use, repair, and the deductible. The court is asked in the action, consider whether the homeowner does not meet even a replacement requirements relating to the pre-trial legal fees and increased insurance premium.
The district court dismissed the action, first, the appeal to the Landgericht Frankfurt, however, was successful (LG Frankfurt / Main, Judgement of 24.09.2008, 2-15 S 108/08).
The reasoning of the Judge: A breach of building regulations lies not available, the so-called prima facie evidence speak but that construction defects have contributed to cause damage, because "properly constructed and maintained buildings usually collapse or even lose some." (See, BGH of 04.04.2006, VI ZR 151/06, VersR 2006, 931, and dated 23.03.1993, VI ZR 176/92, VersR 1993, 759; Falandt / Sprau, BGB, 67th edition 2008, § 836 para. 9, Wagner in Munich. Comm to BGB, vol 5, 2004m 4th edition § 836 Rn. 5f)
Only for damage would be caused by unusual natural phenomena, such as hurricanes, extreme winds, one can not necessarily originate from construction defects as the cause, the judges said. (BGB, Judgement of 27.04.1999, VI ZR 174/98, VersR 1999th 1424). However, buildings must impact, likely to occur at any time based on general experience is so stubborn squalls and thunderstorms, can withstand, according to Federal Court.
lie in the present case, but not before such an absolutely rare natural event, the LG Frankfurt. Lightning strikes are events that may have to face a property owner at any time. Therefore, he had also to take appropriate measures so such as the elimination of construction defects or the installation of a lightning rod to ensure the stability of his building against external events. The judges were of the opinion that such precautionary measures are easily applicable and for property owners quite economically reasonable.
The homeowner is liable for defective construction in full for the damage to the car.
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thunder and lightning - the underestimated risk
If it starts to thunderstorm unexpectedly during an outing in the countryside, this may be more dangerous than many think. In humans, a fatal lightning strike Heart rhythm disturbances and internal burns. But how can you protect yourself?
"A problem is often that people are not sufficiently informed about upcoming weather conditions," says Günther Delfs by the German Weather Service (DWD) in Hamburg. "That need not be, because the German Weather Service provides accurate predictions about the web approaching storms and storm situations." This can be very small scale even resolved to the county level. Of course are such information for hikers and water sports enthusiasts, "but also for recreational soccer players, whose training courses are often the villages upstream and thus exposed in the open are quite "out of the expert.
For leisure players: Caution! In advance of such actions, you should definitely pay attention to the forecast or weather radar in the EWD, "advises Delfs. That soccer fields are particularly vulnerable to possible lightning strikes, not least because of the lighting towers of steel. They are the highest elevation in the area and an ideal lightning rod . Proposes here by lightning, it can lead to forwarding through other steel parts, such as the railings in the spectator area. This is equal to many people from the high electric current of lightning up affected to 400 000 amps, in a recent a stadium in the town of Biberach Ingoldingen district, where in May this year 26 people were severely injured in a lightning strike.
The first advice of professionals is therefore to assess the threat in advance as possible correct. In many cases, is announcing an impending storm to be heard. "Follow the thunder of a lightning in less than ten seconds, is no longer the Einschlagort than a kilometer away," says Günther Delfs by DWD. Then we need to act quickly: distance to all high points and keep, if possible, preferably a building made of reinforced concrete or a closed vehicle seek to protect. Here, however, should not the body or affect buildings in the radiators or water pipes.
on distance to trees
If you are in the open field, it says: If possible, go with legs in squat position and take the greatest possible distance from trees, poles or even a bicycle, so to all that is good conductive. Care should be taken not to go to the highest and therefore most exposed point of the environment.
to the saying "Thou shalt Book Search, oak soft Thou shalt" one should not hold. Trees - any kind - are taboo in a storm! Campers should
remain in a storm in no case in the tent because the tent pole acts like an antenna, attracting lightning. The same goes for phones that worn during a lightning storm is not possible, but above all should not be used.
is not unimportant, according to DWD expert Günther Delfs also known as step voltage. This occurs when the legs are not closely enough together. Even if the flash point of impact is removed, the funnel-shaped propagating electric current entering on one leg in the body and the farther out again. The electric currents flowing through the body can thus still be living dangerously high.
Immediately help
"Is it already been a lightning with personal injury, should be called in emergency in any case," said Stefan Osche of the German Red Cross (DRK) in Berlin. As first responders but also bystanders are addressed directly. The possible violations supply while according to an accident involving power. That is, immediate Kontolle of cardiac and circulatory functions, stabilization and, where appropriate, ventilation and re-population trials which are usually rewarded with a good chance of success. Fear of residual stress have no need to because the flash will be quickly dissipated, and thus ineffective for is added later. "And that lightning strikes twice in the same location is unlikely, "says Stefan Osche from the DRC.
but it was important to note that victims are often in their hearing debilitating and therefore difficult to respond. "The eardrum can be damaged by the enormous clap of thunder," said Osh. ER therefore recommends to ensure, especially on those signs specifically. "These people should be assisted in any case in medical treatment." Hearing loss could be in otherwise externally intact but people acting en regard to other possible adverse effects as a result of a lightning strike: "In retrospect occurring cardiac arrhythmia are not excluded "
Found in: AOK business newspaper." current practice "03/2009