Monday, September 21, 2009

How To Extract Essential Oils Present In Cardamum

in my car lightning?

vehicles are taken repeatedly flash. Most often the inmates anything because the metal body of a sedan or the cab of metal a truck or tractor acts as a so-called Faraday cage. Michael Faraday, the famous English physicist and chemist (1791-1867), proved with his experiments that all electrical current - flowing over the outside of a metal cage and do not create electrical effects within the cage - and that includes the flash. In order to prevent the penetration of the flash, not fully enclosed metal shell is required. Even a relatively wide meshed metallic cage is sufficient as it is present in limousines.
convertibles are less safe, but they can protect with the roof closed if either the roof frame or roll bar is made of metal. However the car's occupants not guarantee complete safety driving, regardless of its effect as a Faraday cage. By lightning and thunder, the driver with glare or fright spontaneously lose control of his vehicle. In addition, extensive tests have shown the car manufacturers that there is risk of lightning strikes on the tires. Since tire rubber insulated, uses the flash as it passes by the steel jacket for tire tread - release large amounts of heat, making significant damage is possible - as a result of the high electrical resistance.

The antenna usually the highest point of the vehicle should be confiscated and the radio be turned off. The direct connection of antenna and radio has already broken several times to the "explosion" of radio, with the collision. Therefore, drivers who are in a strong storm is recommended strongly to drive a car park and exit the enclosed vehicle not until the storm is far enough away. As a fierce thunderstorm occurs frequently in combination with heavy rain, this is certainly a good idea.

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